Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Blue Boy

Joie de vivre! What a thing to witness, the courtship of the bluebirds in the cherry tree. His sweet and repeated chewww, chu, chu, chu calls me to window from desk in The Aerie. Thanks to his blue blue back on bare bare limbs, it takes only seconds to find them. Her grayness without him would have forced a longer search.

He sidles up to her on the branch. She demures and scoots further out. He scoots toward her again. She flies away. He follows her into the woods. I return to my desk. All morning long I hear his plaintive chewwww, chu, chu, chu. It's a rainy day. Poor boy. He's so painfully obvious. dkm
Taken another year, after the leaves were out, but you get the idea


Jane Robertson said...

He's beautiful - and I feel sorry for him :-)

dkm said...

So true, Jane! I did too, but loved the analogy I couldn't help making about where the power in a relationship lies. :-)

Vernon Rempel said...

He has to be obvious. Otherwise how could he function as such a good metaphor: "the birds and the bees." Generations of children would remain confused. But with this guy, they can say "ah...."

dkm said...

Haha, Vernon---and in that regard, he was a pretty good role model---by his gentle and mannerly request---