Monday, July 27, 2020

Gratitide 1

Thoughts after one year
of daily haiku challenge
What I've learned and loved

That nature changes
by the hour, day, week, month,
season, and second

That the plain act of
slowing down enough to see
what there is to see

in my own backyard
has forever changed the way
I walk down a path

The way I practice
the fair art of longsitting
The way I listen

That things viewed close up
have beauty, grace, and intrigue
otherwise unseen

That nature never
fails to serve up something new
for each day's notice

That you don't have to
travel far and wide to be
dazzled by new things

That waiting, watching
is daily rewarded with

at the wonder, the
awe, the expectedness of
the unexpected

~dkm 1/52


Peggy said...

I love this haiku! It is a beautiful summary of your year of observation!!

dkm said...

Thank you, dear friend Peggy. Yet it it so does not capture it well enough, as hard and long as I worked on it. Don't know if I can ever...