Monday, June 13, 2011

Zen House of Sarah

With her new lease on life after two major neuro-surgeries last year to remove a benign but paralyzing tumor from her spine, daughter Sarah has created a sanctuary of quietude for herself and her beautiful family in their humble corner of the world.  Two weeks after my visit, I'm still infused with the sense of calm there received.  Being off the technology grid in the presence of the happiness of Sarah and Thad's young family was indeed enriching to the soul.  Here are a few more shots of my Ft. Lauderdale visit with Sarah, Thaddeus, Makayla, & Nickolas,  before I move on.


Bye bye, Sarah and Thad, Mak and Nick, and thanks for another week of zen and productive writing!  Omi (aka dkm)


bibi said...

precious family. Was that a huge bunch of plumbago? I can't always identify it but I love to say it.

dkm said...

sorry to say I haven't a clue---which one? I don't know tropical vegetation very well---plumbago sounds a little like a touch of arthritis to me!

Nicole said...

So much love and happiness. That is a really beautiful family indeed.
Wishing them all the Best in their Zen corner :)

Jane Robertson said...

Oh, so much to comment on! How you must celebrate Sarah's new lease on life (and how worried you must all have been previously).

What a beautiful, handsome family. What a lovely, self-possessed young lady Makayla is (love the cooking!). Love that photo of Nickolas at the beach with his tongue sticking out - a study in concentration.

Yes, I think the blue flowered climber is plumbago. Something I love for its colour - but it is frost tender and difficult to grow in ChCh. I also recognise what we would call a Monkey Puzzle tree here (don't know the botanical name!).

dkm said...

Many thanks, Nicole---and Jane, I soo hope your comment means you are okay after suffering yet another huge quake in your harbor/harbour! How can so much be asked of you and the good people of Christchurch NZ? My zen heart goes out to you again and again.

And yes, we are full of gratitude for Sarah's new clean bill of health. They were a difficult few months we lived through last year, but they seem like bygone history now!

I'm guessing the tree you call monkey puzzle is the one with the maze of roots and tangled branches? Good name!

Sarah, if you read this, do you know the names of the vegetation in any of these shots? Hannah? Anyone?