A Spark Bird for Liam?
6 days ago
A journal of outdoor observation, written in response to the simple act of paying close attention for an hour a day to the natural sights and sounds of an ordinary backyard in Decatur, Georgia, or wherever my travels take me, with the intention of recording the single most interesting perception of the hour. The challenge has taught me to expect the unexpected!
Lovely. And I like the up and under perspective!
Do you get a crink in your neck or just lots of massages ? :)
Another new word. Crink. NZ term or Pukeko term?
Speaking of NZ, we are traveling in Los Angeles today and met a lovely couple from Hastings near Napier. They didn't know any of you, but send their greetings!
And yes, neck is feeling a bit crinky.
Hehee .. Looks like a PG term .. wuddled mords from :-
a)Crinkle - to form wrinkles, twists or folds and ..
b) Crick - A painful muscular cramp or spasm, as of the neck or back, making it difficult to move.
Good spotting !
hahaha I would have said 'crink' too.
I often say there's a crink in something. I didn't realise it wasn't a word!
ps the photos look great. Can click on them and enlarge. I must see if our pines shimmer in the sun.
Shimmery. nice,
I'd say you might be all stove up, as Grandaddy Gunn would say.
And Debbie, I want to start a leaf book at the lake with my girls. Pick a leaf, look it up to identify it, preserve it. Do you have a good book in mind I might use? I just know the basic ones but I'm ready to learn, too!
loyal follower here. I shall remain anonymous for now but this has to be the best blog coming out of little Decatur, GA.
To Bibi---All stove up! Haha! Meaning stiff in the joints? Only a true native of the southeastern U.S. would know that one. I'm a transplant from Kansas, so I had to look it up :-)
Re: field guides, the ones I use and like are the Peterson Guides and the ones by Audubon Society, available in almost any good bookstore. There are others, I'm sure, but those are the ones I know. Make sure, whatever you buy, that it is for trees of the Eastern U.S., not the western region---they're very different.
Leaf book sounds like fun. Great thing to do with your grands!
Those are indeed gorgeous photographs. I was a bit confused at first, and grew to enjoy the topsy turvy quality of the framing.
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