Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Beyond the Backyard: Shanghai

6/15/09 The object of my attention today---my own spectacular daughter---on the other side of the world---doing work of "profound significance to the country and the world"---to quote China Daily. Today the story is in New York Times & Newsweek. Tonight she was on NPR's All Things Considered, and last week her picture was in the French newspaper LeMonde---re: her work as "organizer" of the first LGBT PRIDE festival in the People's Republic of China.

I look at that photo in LeMonde of Hannah's upward gaze and am reminded of her infant profile in a significant memory of mine---a snapshot memory of one of the first times I held her in my arms---alone in the hospital room soon after her birth. I beheld her profile as she nursed---that same cheek and jaw and nose and upward glance---the miracle of her---and hoped to be good enough for her---that I could mother her well enough to prepare her for the world. dkm

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